IA para aumentar la resiliencia ante los desastres climáticos
IA para aumentar la resiliencia ante los desastres climáticos
Datos, la clave para proyectar la Agenda 2030
Datos, la clave para proyectar la Agenda 2030
Las "apps" para crear protección colectiva digital
Las "apps" para crear protección colectiva digital
La ética como pilar de un desarrollo sostenible digital
La ética como pilar de un desarrollo sostenible digital
La ética de lo complejo en la era digital
La ética de lo complejo en la era digital
Big Data y refugiados
Big Data y refugiados
Publication in the D4R book
Data and AI towards the SDGs and data-driven public policies
Data and AI towards the SDGs and data-driven public policies
Workshop dai4sdg’17: Data and AI towards the SDGs and data-driven public policies
Big Data an AI for Social Good 17
Big Data an AI for Social Good 17
Movilidad, Big Data y Desarrollo
Movilidad, Big Data y Desarrollo
Impact Dynamics for Climate Change Action
Impact Dynamics for Climate Change Action
Data for climate change
Data for climate change
Publication in "El País"
Data Sharing
Data Sharing
Fighting Cancer with Augmented Surgery
Fighting Cancer with Augmented Surgery
Resiliencia y dator para el desarrollo
Resiliencia y dator para el desarrollo
Derechos digitales para proteger a los ciudadanos
Derechos digitales para proteger a los ciudadanos
About LifeDlab


Our planet and society are facing important challenges to ensure a sustainable, resilient and thriving future.

Sustainable Development Goals set the priorities for the next 10 years. These challenges and goals have a global scope and are an urgent matter. 

Beyond that, sustainability and resilience have to be core principles of our future, but that future has to be designed now to create the proper knowledge, narratives and constructs to help our society to evolve to a better humankind.


LifeD Lab takes this challenge to ensure that science and technology evolve in the right way to give response to systemic problems that affect the plant and also all the population, specially the most vulnerable people in the world.

We envision the future from a deep knowledge of the present and history with a multidisciplinary approach and following a sound ethical framework that integrates science to reach knowledge that has not been previously reached.

LifeD Lab also plays a key role as an implementer and catalyzer working with several organizations to speed up systemic transformations.


In LifeD Lab we integrate social science, analytical sciences, physics, biology and philosophy to generate new methods, constructs, platforms and insights to solve systemic problems at their roots.

We work with academic institutions, start-ups, big companies, data providers and multilateral organizations.

We follow a multi-scale governance approach developing methods that lead to new mechanisms for decision making and evaluation across social actors, shareholders and stakeholders.

LifeD Lab creates new environments of work that are more intrinsically sustainable and smarter to generate positive outcomes in the world.


LifeD Lab has had an important impact on core transversal problems such as mobility, migrations, disasters, food security and climate change.

LifeD Lab aims at core problems that need scientific solutions and innovation, producing scalable and deep impact in the society and how orgnizations work including multilateral organizatsions and United Nations.